by Lisa Buckner
Felix Morales Elementary School Science Night
Thursday evening, February 10, I hosted the GSH booth with the assistance of a teacher at the Felix Morales Elementary School Science Night in Pasadena, TX. The event was held outdoors and was very well attended by the very curious students and their families. At our booth the students played the Drilling for Oil (black shoe polish) game with a pencil in the Gulf of Mexico (plastic box filled with cat litter). They had to avoid drilling near the coral reef (Nemo’s home) and archeological site (pirate ship). About half of them drilled dry holes but they all had fun trying. We also showed them some rock samples including one from the Hockley salt mine and gave away 79 GSH logo coiled toy springs to students during the one-hour event.
Bellville Engineering, Science and Technology Booster Club‘s (BEST) Family Science Night
The following Thursday evening, February 17, Ken Green and I hosted a booth at the Bellville Engineering, Science and Technology Booster Club‘s (BEST) Family Science Night in Bellville, TX. We used the light animated seismic acquisition survey board to explain how seismic data is acquired. Several parents said a vibroseis crew had conducted a survey on their property. We gave away 54 GSH logo coiled toy springs to those who watched a P-wave and S-wave motion demonstration, played the Drilling for Oil Game and/or listened to a presentation. Interested students picked up the “Earth is calling … will you answer?” brochure (
Science and Engineering Fair of Houston
The Science and Engineering Fair of Houston was held in-person at the George R. Brown Convention Center on Saturday, February 25. Peter Lanzarone lead the GSH Special Awards judging team. They judged projects related to geophysics by the students in grades 6-12 and selected 4 award winning projects. More info next month.
Volunteers Needed
April 9, 2022
Reach for the Stars!
STEM Festival for middle school girls
10:00 AM – 3:30 PM
@Rice University
Contact Lisa
Do you know of a school that has a career day seeking speakers, career fair or science night at which GSH might be able to host an exhibit booth?
If so, please contact Lisa Buckner at and we can work together to bring
awareness of geophysics to the students.
#geosciences #EarthScienceOutreach #STEM #ScienceandEngineeringFairofHouston #SEFofHouston #STEMeducation