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North Central Family Science Night

Huw James
Playing the "Drilling for Oil" game
Alan Foley talks with boys while they are playing the popular "Drilling for Oil" game

On April 11, 2024 GSH participated in Family Science Night at Yes Prep North Central Elementary School (Houston) from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The event was targeted to children from pre-K to 5th grade and their families. Alan Foley and Huw James hosted a table featuring various geoscience exhibits. We had about 100 children visit (50-50 split between girls and boys), along with 40 adults. We gave away about 60 coiled toy springs.

Our demonstrations included the very popular “Drilling for Oil game”, geologic samples including pumice, gypsum, and obsidian, along with salt samples provided by Alan Foley used in a game to discover the material (salt crystals) using one’s senses. Our colorful coiled toy springs were used to demonstrate longitudinal and transverse sound wave motion. A Stratigraphic chart for North America, seismic & log curve charts, geophones and crude oil samples provided other interesting displays.

Alan Foley
Alan Foley shows rock samples while others drill for oil

Family Science Night included many other tables with demonstrations dedicated to performing various scientific different tasks - all with a very strong emphasis on doing and participating rather than just looking.

Photo credit: Huw James



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