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Bill Gafford

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

The History of Geophysics by Bill Gafford

In the coming months, we will be rearranging the Geoscience Center to accommodate moving the GSH office into the front portion of the space. Our Bob Sheriff Library will be relocated to the small conference room and expanded into part of the display area. The education room will be rearranged and made more suitable for meetings and presentations. We are in the process of putting some of our artifacts in storage and disposing of other damaged and unusable instruments or items. All of these changes will allow us to accommodate visitors on days other than Wednesday. We hope more people will take advantage of our extensive library materials. Volunteers will be needed to help with this transition.

We had another successful Living Legends Doodlebugger social event on Wednesday, May 11, 2022. These quarterly events were begun for retired doodlebuggers but have become popular for anyone interested in visiting with friends and seeing some of the geoscience artifacts on display in our Museum Collection. The next such event will be on August 10, 2022.

In addition to our collection of instruments and items from the early days of exploration, we have a variety of documents and technical papers from some of the industry legends. The family of Carl Savit recently donated some of the personal files from his career. Included are his patents, technical articles, papers from a variety of publications, and presentations to various government committees regarding geophysical activities. The donation also includes documents of some of his awards and honors.

Geoscience Center Hours

The Geoscience Center is usually open on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 until noon or by appointment, and visitors are always welcome. Please contact me at or 281-370-3264 for more information.



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