Now Showing: Long Period Multiple Attenuation*
By John Wardell - 1980
In this GSH Movie Time lecture, John Wardell starts by defining Long Period Multiples and their representation in the equation of the convolutional model. He then describes the multiples’ characteristics (periodicity and different moveout to primary) and how these are used to remove them from seismic data. Dewater 2, the process described in this lecture, attenuates multiples based on their different moveout to primaries.
Before getting into the process’s details, John fearlessly divides the Long Period Multiples into simple water bottom bounces, water layer peg-legs or fast multiples and any other specified multiples.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy:
*GSI vintage videos courtesy of Schlumberger – WesternGeco
#WaveletProcessing #Movietime #Dataprocessing #GSI #NoiseAttenuation #VelocityFiltering #GSI #Deconvolution #Resolution