Our next Living Legends Doodlebugger social event will be on Wednesday morning, February 8, 2023. These quarterly events were originally planned to provide an opportunity for retired GSH members to gather with friends and colleagues and share stories of their experiences in the oil patch and to catch up on current GSH activities. We now have a varied attendance including younger members and those who enjoy talking with some of the “legends” who attend.
Some of the items from our Museum collection are usually out on display for discussion, including a few older instruments that we don’t have any historical information for. Anyone who is interested in visiting our Geoscience Center is also welcome. The event is free and reservations are not required. Coffee, bottled water, soft drinks, and light snacks are provided.
We continue to receive donations of books and publications. When we receive duplicates, they are put aside and are available to GSH members for free. Donations of items for our Geoscience Museum are also welcome. Volunteers are still needed to help with a variety of projects and can involve helping with our library inventory or helping research some of our museum instruments and items.
Contact me at geogaf@hal-pc.org if you are interested.
Bill Gafford