Welcome to the new GSHJ!
The GSHJ is back for 2022 and better than ever! Browse and search your favorite GSHJ content in a sleek and modernized format. Our new, mobile-friendly, design allows GSH readers and friends to easily interact with each entry and even share to social media! Log-in to like a post, ask the author a question, or comment on an article.
The new GSHJ is:
Allows interaction on each article via likes and comments
Provides improved shareability of individual articles
Modernized and easy on the eye
And includes a GSHJ search function!
Journal.gshtx.org will take you to our new home page where we will feature the latest articles and events.

Click on the About Us section to meet the GSH Digital Communication Committee and learn about the history of the GSH Journal.
The Contact Us section provides links to the GSH’s primary homepage, and allows readers to submit feedback directly to the Digital Communications Committee! Let us know what you like, how we can improve, or if you’d like to get involved. Wondering what happened to your favorite Contact Sheet from the legacy GSHJ? Find it tucked away at the very bottom of the page titled GSH Leadership Committee Contacts!

Ready to read the GSH Journal?! Click on the Journal tab or All Articles! Each article will be listed chronologically. Scroll and enjoy! Click on an article to read the full content, like *heart* an article, comment, or share to social media!
Don’t forget to swing by the Sponsors and Business Cards pages! This is where you’ll find the Journal Sponsors and a page featuring our premier Business Cards section highlighting the fine talent in Houston. Learn more about the companies that have helped the GSH continue to bring you technical, social, new, and historical content over the past several decades!
If you are hunting for one variety of article, for example the Geoscience Center News, click on Categories to see your favorite content grouped by article type! If you are missing the fabulous Cover images from the legacy GSHJ, you can find our new digital archive in the Categories section as well.

An Index of pages and external links can be found in the footer.

If you want to check out any of our past GSHJ publications, click on Journal Archives to visit the home of the magazine-style GSHJ. Here you will be able to find GSH Journal publications dating back to Volume 1 launched in 2010! Not a member yet? You can still enjoy free access to publications from 2016 through 2022!
Last but not least, the new premier feature of the Digital GSHJ: SEARCH! Using the Search bar, you can now look through all published content with one simple click! Find articles based on keywords, authors, and topics! Have fun!
