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2023 Annual Meeting & Honors and Awards Program

Peter Eick

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Annual Meeting

Traditionally the GSH President provides a year end summary of the activities of the GSH at the last meeting of the year and summary for all the members who could not make the meeting. One of the key tasks of the last few meetings of the Board is to approve next year’s budget, and review how we did financially for the current year. The summary of the budget is that, again, we lost money compared to our plans at the start the year. We did better than prior years, however a few categories fell short and will be reviewed for the upcoming year for improvements. As I look back on the year, there were philosophical conflicts that were reflected in the budget. Fortunately, the losses were minimized by hard efforts of some members. Using these lessons learned, the board approved a future balanced budget with which we are able to set the stage for a potentially really successful 2023-24 Board .

When I consider the future for the society, things are looking bright. The new board has some great leaders with strong track record of achievement. The Journal budget has been brought into alignment with the society’s needs. We created a new Communications Director position that will bring continuity and manage the GSH media outlets: Journal, Newsletter and the Website. We updated the bylaws, organized the museum and library, consolidated the office into the GSH Geoscience Center and still were able to hold well attended online and in person meetings, talks and workshops. We moved the endowment to conservative index accounts that allow us to protect the principal even more while earning interest.

How did we achieve these goals and steps? It was thru volunteers who tirelessly worked in the background and organized the meetings, talks, workshops, social events and activities. They are the backbone of the society, and we could not function without them. Our volunteers and Treasurer’s efforts improved our public Charity Navigator rating up to 60%. They were able to sublet the old office space, establish policy and procedures, and consolidate the office with the Geoscience Center – getting snuggled into one central space. These efforts took a lot of volunteer hours and a great deal of work that few probably recognize. It shows that volunteers can make quality programs, great work spaces and professionally run a society.

So in summary for 2022-23, we were able to cut expenses while still providing quality services to our members and community while getting close to balancing the budget. My hope is that the 2023-24 board can turn the finances around, offer great technical programs, fun social and networking events, great articles in the Journal and Outreach to our Houston Community .

The second part of the meeting is the Honors and Awards program:

Katie Baker presented Rene Mott as a 2022 Lifetime Member for all the volunteer effort she put in and her leadership in the role as Treasurer for the society.

Katie Baker presented Dr. Craig Beasley as a 2022 Lifetime Member for all the volunteer effort he put in to the GSH, SEG and Geophysics as a whole.

Katie Baker presented Kathy Sanvido with our 2022 GSH President’s award for all her hard work during the office move, organization of the new GSH offices in the museum and for helping at every event and activity the society holds.

Tony LaPierre was recognized as our 2nd Vice President and his excellent work at nearly making us profitable.

Simon Voisey was recognized as our 1st Vice President and his efforts at producing top notch technical talks and events all year long.

Nadima Dwihusna was recognized as our Secretary who kept all the notes and organized with notices which allowed us to follow the bylaws to a “t”.

Rene Mott was recognized as our Treasurer who kept us focused on the dollars, where they went and come from. The budget suggestions hopefully will help the 2023-2024 board turn the tide.

GSH then recognized our 25 year members with Silver Certifications: Huw James, Steve Carlson, Scott Singleton, Dietrich Landis, Mark Meier

Finally GSH recognized the new incoming board members who were present: Katie Baker who will be President of the GSH for 2023/24

President-elect: Alexander Mihai Popovici

1st VP-elect: Wilson Ibanez

2nd VP-elect: Marie Clavaud

Secretary: Afolabi Babalola

Communications Director-elect: Liza Yellott



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