GSH Blog
Technical Events Submission

Technical Events Submission Form
Use this form for Technical Events
Technical Lunch
Tech Breakfast
Rock Physics SIG
Data Science & Machine Learning SIG
Unconventionals SIG
Data Processing & Acquisiton SIG
Potential Fields SIG
Fall Forum
Submission Tips!
1. Please have all the information available to complete the form.
There are 12 required fields.
All required items (look for the *) must be completed before you are able to Submit the form.​
2. Include the Event & Date title in all attachments!
Rename the files!
Label everything with Event_Date_Speaker
Ex: Techlunch_Oct2022_JSmith.jpg​
3. Field errors will be highlighted in red.
4. If your submission is successful, 3 things will happen.
A. You will see a "Success"confirmation pop up.
B. "Your content had been submitted" appears below the submit button (bottom of the page)
C. You will receive a confirmation in your email.
Committee Affiliation
Date of the event
Start time - end time
Title of the Talk
Contact name
Contact email
Attendance options
Speaker 1 name
Speaker 1 bio
Speaker 1 photo
Cost of Event
Technical Events
Submission Form
If your committee is not listed here, please type it in the Other Committee Affiliation text box.
Example: Sept. 12, 2022
What time does the event BEGIN? What time does the event END?
Example text: 7:00 - 8:00 AM
If the 2nd speaker has their own presentation, please add details in the Speaker 2 section.
Online and Hybrid
In-Person and Hybrid
If you have a map of the location where the event is taking place - upload here.
Special Instructions
Rename the photo with the event name, date and speaker's name.
ex: event_date_speaker name - TechlunchOct2022_JSmith.jpg
File types: JPG, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, HEIC, TIFF, TIF, JPEG 2000 and RAW.
Image size: 1.5MB up to 25MB, ideal image size is 940 x 534 px (Ratio: 16 x 9)
Speaker 2
If there are 2 speakers, please add the 2nd speaker's information here.
If the 2nd speaker has their own presentation, please add the information here.
For more than 2 speakers, use the "Anything Else?" text box below to add their info.​
Rename the photo with the event name, date and speaker's name.
ex: event_date_speaker name - TechlunchOct2022_JSmith.jpg
File types: JPG, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, HEIC, TIFF, TIF, JPEG 2000 and RAW.
Image size: 1.5MB up to 25MB, ideal image size is 940 x 534 px (Ratio: 16 x 9)
1. Registration cost - please include prices for Members, Nonmembers, Students
*Nonmembers are charged a min of $10 more than members for technical events.
2. Specify if there is no charge.
Attach GSH_speaker_permission_form_Rename the file with the speaker's name!!!!
Permission to record (audio and video) the presentation and make that recording available for online viewing. (they can check off NO on the form if they do not want it recorded)
Needs to be signed by speaker and uploaded here.
Release form must be downloaded to a computer for a digital signature.
Add any additional documents related to this event
1. Attach any images or documents that need to be included but don't have a field.
2. Please LABEL - ex: event_date_speaker name - TechlunchOct2022_JSmith.jpg
Add any additional information related to this event
Submission Tips!
Once your click Submit, a message will appear below the Submit button.
1. An error occurred. Please review the form for errors.
(will appear below the Submit button)
If you are not able to Submit the form - the fields that contain errors will appear in RED. Please review your answers.
2. Your content has been submitted
(will appear below the Submit button)
You will see a "Success" confirmation pop up.
You will receive an email confirmation.
Your content has been submitted.
An error occurred. Please review the form for errors.